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  • Writer's pictureStreet Chic TV


This is not a blog post for the goody two shoes, nor is it for the egotistic, manipulative, narcissistic personality type of individuals.... or is it?! Go ahead, Read on...

You ever been around a person and found yourself feeling crazy as f*ck? Like DRAINED!?! Or in some kind of twilight zone? As if the normal, considerate, compassionate, genuine, loving, person you are has been made out to be some kind of a monstrous B*tch, and out of no where?! The twisted part is.. that you actually start to take some of the blame; like “Damn, am I the one really buggin’ out here?” But what’s worst is when you take a look in that mirror.... and you feel as if you look 100 years old (You let yourself go over what now seems like a sorry excuse of a human being..) And wonder.. How did I get here? A person you once thought you loved now seems more like a NEGATIVE SOUL SUCKING LEACH, draining you and now SOMEHOW they have now made you feel as though YOU are the problem!

My question is; HOW did we become the f*cking sucker!? Blinded by love, lust, or potential perhaps? We want to believe that the person won’t do it again for the 5th and 6th time! This is where we fail ourselves...

I for one, can hold my composure for a great amount of time.. I like to think I go above and beyond; I put myself in others shoes to see their point of view and give them the benefit of the doubt way too many times. What people fail to realize is that once you light that f*cking match, BEWARE, cause it’s attached to a BOMB!! When you set me off.. you’re in for a rude unapologetic, transparent, raw, uncut wrath of anger (Yes all that) because “F*CK YOU MEAN IM BEING A BITCH?!" Demanding respect from your partner or friend IS NOT being a bitch. So Let me tell you something... I’m about to make Lemonade out that sour ass!

As the saying goes.. When life gives you lemons...

In Conclusion:


  • Don’t waist your time trying to fix someone who doesn’t want to change and grow for the better ladies and gents....

  • Please don’t believe the “I’ll do better, I’m sorry, give me one more chance, I can’t live with out you, I need you” bullshit lines... You need to be with someone who WANTS to be with you!

  • Letting go doesn’t mean giving up or hating a person, it means forgiving and letting go for your own sanity!

  • You can’t shine your brightest if your letting a negative person become your anchor ! God intended you to live happily, free of sadness and pain! You are apart of him so why endure such hurt?


  • Stop looking for fly, rich, and sexy in a partner. Give others a chance. A grounded individual who loves the Most High first and loves themselves enough for the both of you! (They can share that love by loving you with respect, consideration, and compassion)

  • Leave the circus, and exit the carnival. Dump the clowns, you need love not the hot mess express roller coaster you’ve probably been on for a while now.

  • When they show you who they are, BELIEVE THEM. The warning signs are almost ALWAYS there. A lot of times we choose to ignore and overlook them. DON'T!

Trust me, I know, they will make you feel like you’re crazy; and now you’re questioning, “Maybe it is my fault” or, “They said they love me so they will change for me?” Remember, The only person we can change is OURSELVES. So change the way you love yourself by who paying close attention you allow in your life and your heart!


Life is short!


Free yourselves!

It’s been Real


-Samantha Lee

“Holding grudges is like drinking poison expecting the other person to get sick” -Unknown


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